Minista Privacy policy

Collecting your information

Minista will save your instagram Username and Password and other related information in your device (local storage). This will help us to imporve our app for more better experience.

Minista access to your camera and microphone to capture picture/video for sending to story/post/direct in instagram.

Minista access to your files with your permission you grant us for uploading/sending files(images or/and videos) to instagram.

Minista request access for your location (if you grant it) and store it in local storage for better experience in search results (Instagram is doing it we simulate it as well.)

This Privacy Statement may be updated from time to time for any reason. Any changes will be posted here, so we encourage you to continuously review our Privacy Policy.

If you have any questions regarding privacy while using the app, please contact us via email at

Latest changes: 03/30/2020.